We Crave a Different Kind of Buzz
I have no intention of ever running a marathon for several reasons. The number of people who would be there are however many reasons I have, plus I don’t want to run a marathon. However, I have been enjoying completing “races” virtually. I know some people don’t consider them worthwhile, especially since you can do a lot of them at any pace you’d like, over any amount of time you’d like, and you can include daily activities, like washing dishes, folding laundry, and stirring coffee in your progress, but here’s a secret… You don’t have to care what other people think about the things you enjoy. Liberate yourself from the…
You Do What You Want and Reap What You Sow
I mentioned not very long ago that I prefer doing the treadmill late at night, which is as true now as it was then. However, sometimes we have to put aside what we prefer to make way for what’s best. Man, this bugs me. I am not a morning person. I don’t spend forty minutes dragging my slippered feet around, eyes squinting against the brightness of the day, reaching blindly for a coffee mug, yawning, and scratching my fuzzy robe against my hip. I don’t even own a fuzzy robe. I am quick to wake up, but I am not interested in functioning for a good, oh, I don’t know,…
‘Cause I Love the Adrenaline in My Veins
The treadmill arrived on Wednesday, the 19th. It’s an impressive machine. It took a while to set it up. It also took a while to get the beast inside the house. It’s massive. The weight on the delivery notice was 462 pounds. Assuming the pallet is part of that weight, let’s say the machine itself is 400 pounds. It’s 76.5 inches long and 40 inches wide. For reference, an average coffin is 84 inches long and 28 inches wide. The empty weight of a coffin can vary greatly, but let’s say you have one that happens to also be 400 pounds. Now, imagine trying to move this 400 pound box with…
Better Run, Better Run
Over a year ago, I mentioned developing an interest in running, and that we didn’t have room for a treadmill, which is why I was sticking to the elliptical as my go-to exercise. I also mentioned using Zombies! Run, which I still recommend for anyone looking for a fun story to move them along during walks, jogs, or runs, so long as you don’t suffer from any level of misophonia. One of the sounds that enrages me to listen to is sloppy kissing noises, as well as licking; they’re kind of the same sticky wet sound, and they infuriate me. Annoyingly, the app had two or three instances of kissing, and…