I’ve Got My Eye on the Prize
I mentioned in a recent post that I wanted to become more informed about nutrition. I didn’t want to simply follow whatever random information people were pushing. I wanted to know what we needed, why, and how to best obtain those things. I mentioned looking into classes and books, and I finally settled on Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies by Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney. There is a newer version available (January 1, 2019) but it’s twice the price, though it doubtfully offers twice the information or any groundbreaking difference in nutritional facts. The second book I’ll be reading is Nutrition: An Applied Approach by Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore. I can only…
This Racing, This Running
Recently I’ve developed an interest in running. We don’t have room for a treadmill here, and there are wolves where we live, so jogging down the road isn’t something I’m comfortable doing. Although there is a devoted runner here I see passing by almost every day. He carries a stick. Now, a stick is better than no stick, but if I were to put you in a room with a wolf, and only give you a stick to defend yourself with, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be pleased with me. So, if that stick is to ward off attacking mountain lions, which are also in the area, or wolves, bears, coyotes,…
These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
Here are a few of my favorite items from this year. Not everything was purchased in 2018, but everything on this list was used frequently and adored this year. There is no particular order to this list. I’m sorry there are only twelve items. I was going to do eighteen, but I have commitment issues. I’ve tried to link the company sites whenever possible. If a product is no longer available, such as the Fitbit Charge 2, I’ll link it on Amazon. I have not linked to the lowest price available online. If you’re interested in an item, please search for it wherever you prefer to shop. Once again, there…
Shipshape and Bristol Fashion
Our water here in Montana is extremely hard. I heard a commercial on the radio the other day and don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure the guy said water in Montana is 50,000% harder than the national average. Give or take. If we forget to replenish the salt in the softener, all our dishes will have a layer of film, resulting in a beautiful sea glass effect. It also covers the sinks, tub/showers, and anything it splashes onto with that same gorgeous frosted muck. The softener helps with the calcium deposits, but it leaves its own mess behind. Stalagmites of salt build up around faucets, hand towels…
Tally Me Banana
Note: Please excuse this awful photo full of darkness and overexposures. The lighting in this refrigerator is straight out of Saw. Right now our new refrigerator is sitting in the kitchen, properly blocking access to the kettle I use to make my fancy instant coffee every morning (a relatively new habit). It’s resting upright, as instructed, for six hours, before we will move it into place and throw the old one into the Goat Shed. It’s taken quite some time to finally get the refrigerator here, but now that it’s arrived, I’m extremely excited. There are still some feelings of trepidation since the fridge remains encased in its dirty cardboard shipping…