Somehow Time Just Flies
Suddenly the majority of the year is gone. As a kid I felt like every season dragged on endlessly, except summer of course, which flew by in a blink.
The garden is starting to wither, with the squash leaves perking up less and less each day. The candy roasters are huge, but the cushaws don’t seem to have started early enough to grow to maturity, especially with summer temperatures dropping so fast. Tonight is supposed to be in the 40s. I am happy our garden is mostly established now, with raised beds, a mini greenhouse, and trellising put into their permanent places. Next year we plan to transform our wild flower section into a berry patch, which is very exciting. Even still, I’m looking forward to harvesting everything we have and being done with the garden for the year.
We have “vacation” coming soon. I’m “vacationing” because our vacations seem to be times of extreme work rather than periods of relaxation. We are building a roof for our hay shed. To be clear, we is a generous term for this task. We are also building a couple compost stalls, which will be a nice place to collect the goat shed cleanings. I have a small fear of potentially attracting bears with a compost pile, but since the majority will not be food, I’m going to pretend it’s not a concern. We have been using the deep litter method for the goats over winters, so we have to clean their shed in preparation for the changing seasons, getting everything cleaned up so they’ll have time to build a thick layer (i.e. waste hay) before the severe cold. There is, of course, always more to do, but those are the major plans for this vacation.
Every three to six months I’ve attempted to write a post, only to leave it in the drafts to be deleted later. This may not be the most exciting post to read, but are any I’ve written, really? Regardless, I’m posting this and being done with it. No more hesitation, no more dusty drafts, here is a proper post. It only took a bit over three years.
Note: Unrelated picture from some years ago because I don’t take photographs anymore. I’ve saved it because it was a year the black locust bloomed incredibly. We had hundreds of bumble bees that year.
Title From:
by John Flynn