Better Run, Better Run
Over a year ago, I mentioned developing an interest in running, and that we didn’t have room for a treadmill, which is why I was sticking to the elliptical as my go-to exercise. I also mentioned using Zombies! Run, which I still recommend for anyone looking for a fun story to move them along during walks, jogs, or runs, so long as you don’t suffer from any level of misophonia. One of the sounds that enrages me to listen to is sloppy kissing noises, as well as licking; they’re kind of the same sticky wet sound, and they infuriate me. Annoyingly, the app had two or three instances of kissing, and…
It Won’t Do You No Good
I have a horrible reaction to sodium. I have, since I was about twenty, ballooned when consuming too much for the day or just too much at one time. I don’t know if this is some medical issue or just my body’s quirky way of telling me I don’t need the salt, but since I can control this reaction by simply avoiding unnecessary sodium, I don’t mind not paying $650 to have someone tell me it’s a medical condition which can be controlled by not consuming salt. So, annoyed at not being able to wear my wedding rings, having sock indents around my calves, and feeling at times as though…
I’ve Got My Eye on the Prize
I mentioned in a recent post that I wanted to become more informed about nutrition. I didn’t want to simply follow whatever random information people were pushing. I wanted to know what we needed, why, and how to best obtain those things. I mentioned looking into classes and books, and I finally settled on Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies by Frances Sizer, Ellie Whitney. There is a newer version available (January 1, 2019) but it’s twice the price, though it doubtfully offers twice the information or any groundbreaking difference in nutritional facts. The second book I’ll be reading is Nutrition: An Applied Approach by Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore. I can only…
This Racing, This Running
Recently I’ve developed an interest in running. We don’t have room for a treadmill here, and there are wolves where we live, so jogging down the road isn’t something I’m comfortable doing. Although there is a devoted runner here I see passing by almost every day. He carries a stick. Now, a stick is better than no stick, but if I were to put you in a room with a wolf, and only give you a stick to defend yourself with, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be pleased with me. So, if that stick is to ward off attacking mountain lions, which are also in the area, or wolves, bears, coyotes,…
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
The closest thing I made resembling a resolution this year was deciding to become more informed about nutrition. I didn’t make promises to myself to run a marathon, drink more water, consume less sodium, or eat more greens. Those are my life norms, sans marathon, not promises for later or something I can fail at doing, because it has become simply what is done. Like a dolphin telling you, “Hey, man, this year I’m gonna swim every day,” to which you should be saying, “Well, yeah. I mean, that’s what you’ve been doing all along, right? Also, you’re a dolphin, so you shouldn’t really be talking to me. Spoilers.” Sometime…