Catch as Catch Can
One of the cows from the neighboring ranch got into our pasture this afternoon. Unfortunately, our fencing isn’t very solid. We had intended to repair it in the spring so we could put a couple horses of our own out there, but it’s not spring yet, so it’s still unsuitable for animals.
I didn’t want to risk her getting out of our pasture as well, so I had to run out in the wind, alone, to mend the one large opening that would allow her complete freedom. Most of the fencing is, unfortunately, barbed wire, but the opening is a gate of sorts, made with livestock fence that had blown down recently. I don’t know how much experience you’ve had with this heavy gauge fencing but it’s very similar to chain-link in its unwieldy nature. If you have someone to help you or, you know, do it for you, it’s a lot easier.
After much contorting and grumbling, I got the opening sealed, and now she’s safe until the neighbor corrals her back onto their land. I am way more proud of this than I probably should be…
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by Blind Pilot