• Ramblings

    Somehow Time Just Flies

    Suddenly the majority of the year is gone. As a kid I felt like every season dragged on endlessly, except summer of course, which flew by in a blink. The garden is starting to wither, with the squash leaves perking up less and less each day. The candy roasters are huge, but the cushaws don’t seem to have started early enough to grow to maturity, especially with summer temperatures dropping so fast. Tonight is supposed to be in the 40s. I am happy our garden is mostly established now, with raised beds, a mini greenhouse, and trellising put into their permanent places. Next year we plan to transform our wild…

  • Creatures,  Ramblings

    It Ain’t Been so Easy but I Guess I Shouldn’t Complain

    This is Oliver. He joined the herd March 28th. He came from the same breeder as Silas, Tesco, and Barnaby but was in a far less acceptable condition when they brought him to us. His horns are flaking, the tip of his ear had been bitten off, the hair on his ears is thin, he’s missing top coat hair on his sides (that pale area is just the undercoat showing), his hooves were fully grown over, and he was tragically thin. I don’t want to speak poorly about this breeder publicly, however public something no one sees can be, but if you live in Montana, are thinking about getting goats,…

  • Health & Fitness,  Ramblings

    We Crave a Different Kind of Buzz

    I have no intention of ever running a marathon for several reasons. The number of people who would be there are however many reasons I have, plus I don’t want to run a marathon. However, I have been enjoying completing “races” virtually. I know some people don’t consider them worthwhile, especially since you can do a lot of them at any pace you’d like, over any amount of time you’d like, and you can include daily activities, like washing dishes, folding laundry, and stirring coffee in your progress, but here’s a secret… You don’t have to care what other people think about the things you enjoy. Liberate yourself from the…

  • Ramblings,  Reviews

    A White Knuckle Wind Blows Strong

    We bought our original tent, the one you see in the picture here, back in 2011. It’s … uh … Eagles Nest? I can’t remember. We bought it with the intention of camping somewhere in Wisconsin or Minnesota, which were both fairly quick jaunts, if four hours is quick to you, from our farmhouse in Iowa. We never got around to doing it. Shortly after we moved to Connecticut. Luckily, that tent would offer us a home while homeless in 2014. It had a few little claw holes from Mrs. Marple, (Yeah, I know, Miss, but Brian…) the kitten who visited with us while we were staying at the Bixby…

  • Ramblings

    It’s Many Hundred Miles and It Won’t Be Long

    There is nothing more important to me than being happy in life. That’s why Brian and I chose to be homeless, to move across the country with only a tent and our dogs, in search of the life we wanted. I will take risks to be happy. I know that money, security, and safety is important, but at the end of my life, whether it’s a year from now or fifty years from now, I don’t want my last thought to be, “I wish I’d…” I know it won’t be, “I’m glad at least I had some money.” When confronted with choices that risk happiness, I will go against the…